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Monday, December 1, 2014

Shaun Keller/ Sean Keller response

Where to start. Lets start at the beginning with the creator of this blog,Where she says, I have never been in the military and have never ridden bulls in the rodeo etc etc

Secondly Louise aka Louise Galway, who has posted that i did something about some article 6 and has gone to the irish police and that they are investigating me.

So lets see, I was never in the military, that's a lie, I have my service number and have requested my services records. ALSO THAT I have never ridden bulls. Again that's a lie. I rode in the association called A.C.E.C( association des cowboys au l'est du canada.

Louise has claimed that I have committed some form of fraud and that she has gone to the Irish Police and that they are investigating me. All lies, cause I have been into the police 4 times and called them 4 times and the response is always the same. They have no history on me and are not investigating or looking for me. Care to explain Louise?

Next comment was about me being disowned by my family. You're fucking right I am, and it doesn't bother me, However it also says that I never speak to my dad. That's a lie.

Next up is 11,000 hits and growing. Shit I don't even know 11,000 people.In truth the video posted and this blog have helped me. It actually got me a part in a movie which is filming.

The most previous comment put up today is next, that I'm on tinder using the name Sean Keller. That's a joke cause I'm neither on tinder or facebook. And cause I have been seeing someone. Yes she is aware of this blog, she had questions about the military, bull riding etc like anyone would. Funny thing was, we talked about it and could you imagine what I did? Oh shit, I called the Guards yet again, on speaker phone asking if they were looking for me, and got the same response and the previous 3-4 times. " No, sorry, we have no history of you in our system, we are not investigating or looking for you" next I called my solicitor, granted I had to leave a message but again the call was made on speaker so she could hear the solicitors voice mail and the message I left. Then I must have been crazy cause surely because I am disowned by my whole family I did the unthinkable. I called my father. Yes you guessed it, on speaker and asked him if he remembered what year I went into the military, he couldn't remember the year, but remembered where he was living when I left for the military. Secondly i asked if he had any of my bull riding pictures, his response was that he didn't think so, but that he did have a picture of me in my bull riding chaps, from when I was bull riding. So funny enough the 4-5 things i have mentioned so far I have proven to be lies. I would read more of this garbage but I really don't care to anymore.

If I have done what is said, there would surely be a police investigation which there isn't, and I please ask anyone reading to call up any Guard station and find out if you can get information that there is an investigation about me.

If I had done any of these so called criminal things, there's a few questions you might want to ask....Why did these people wait so long after I was out of their lives to not do anything except write on a petty blog? They say they are so happy that i am in out of their lives? Yet writing on this keeps me in their lives indirectly, so why bother? Why not just move on?

Enjoy the reading, and laugh at it, take it seriously, do whatever will make you happy. I'm not giving this vengeful, vindictive blog anymore of my time.

Our response:
ohh there is Shaun/ Sean on Tinder... think it says it all..

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Slings and arrows of outrageous (mis)fortune: A "Shaun Story" from Canada, 2011-2012

I met Shaun in Montreal at uni, at the beginning of the fall term (September 2011).  Now, he actually was enrolled in our program at the time, and for the few months that he was in my life he was employed – so it seems that in the long list of women he’s conned, I might have been one of the few that he actually never conned for money.  (In fact, the only thing I loaned to Shaun and never saw again was a USB key with class notes and my own research for a huge project that we’d been pairedtogether to do.)  That being said, in light of other stories I’m fairly certain now that had I stuck around, I might have eventually ended up in the same boat of moneylending and further emotional manipulation.

Before I go any further I must mention that I am currently 24, and when I met Shaun I had just turned 21 and was, as you already know, still a student in an undergraduate program.  I feel this is extremely important to point out because although we were never officially involved romantically, being some twelve or thirteen years my senior clearly did not give him pause on the whole “manipulation” issue, and so I must stress the fact thatany woman is in peril should she cross his path.  

While he may not have wreaked havoc on my bank account and while I may have extracted myself from his life before he could totally ruin mine, Shaun nevertheless did try to singlehandedly sabotage both my social and academic reputations once he clued into the fact that I was no longer going to tolerate him, let alone any more of his bullshit lies, excuses, and sob stories.  I had gut instinct kicking in fairly soon, in addition to the fact that around the time that I met him, I also made friends with another girlwho actually knew his family.  And once she noticed I was beginning to get a little cozy with Shaun, she stepped in and set me straight.  

I’ll admit that I was, at the beginning, rather taken with Shaun.  Though we never actually dated, we did hang out quite a lot and we did a lot of texting and E-mailing back and forth in between actually hanging out.  Reading through the lists previously posted on this blog, I found myself remembering moments in which he’d told me several of those very same lies.  He’d lost his fiancée and daughter in a car accident.  He was a practicing pediatrician at the children’s hospital (and somehow managed to go to classes and hold down a part-time job at a local burger joint).  He grew up in Northern Ireland (whatever his passport might say now, I can say in utter confidence that unfortunately, Canada can claim his natal citizenship...did I mention he also started talking with that accent out of the blue while still livingin Canada?!).  He had some kind of huge farm in Northern Ireland and was building the house of his dreams – but was constantly depressed by it all at the same time because his aforementioned deceased daughter would never be able to enjoy with him the fruits of his labors.  He had a dying aunt who was due to go any day now, and therefore he couldn’t possibly be expected to show up to class or project meetings.  

I also heard some that haven’t yet been listed here, such as ---
--- he was a first-stringer for that year’s rugby team at our university (when I went to verify that online and saw no mention of him on the team homepage, he told me that he’d been a late addition and the webmaster hadn’t been able to add his profile in yet…nope, it was never added!)
--- he set up a FaceBook event page for a non-existent match tour for a rugby team, of which he was, naturally, the captain
--- he had a cousin who worked for Aer Lingus who got him amazing deals on flights to Ireland all the time, and that for our project if I really wanted to he’d be able to fly me back to Ireland to do field research (he also pulled this one out of the hat for another project group in a different course that I wasn’t enrolled in at the time)
--- he and some cousins had a timeshare on a chalet in the Swiss Alps and could fly over there for a ski holiday on any weekend at the drop of a hat
--- he was going to change his name to "Eoighan McGurnaghan"

And when all of those lies were suddenly not working on me anymore thanks to the intervention of my aforementioned friendin October 2011, he started trying to get to me at the expense of my social reputation and my academic career.  Mutual acquaintances and friends at the local pub with whom we enjoyed several pints would come up to me when I made an appearance alone, and ask me if I could confirm or corroborate tall tales that Shaun had told them.  When I in turn asked what made them think I could do so, more than one told me that he’d named me as somebody who could vouch for his word because I knew him and trusted him well enough to be with him.  Though this did minimal damage (only a few of these mutual acquaintances actually liked him, let alone believed him) to my social reputation, it was still unsettling to come to the knowledge that I had been known as “Shaun’s girl” when in reality I had never been so in the first place.  

I mean, why would I want to be, when only a few weeks after meeting me he started his “two-faced” act?  Whether publicly or privately, he alternated between making me feel on top of the world to making me feel like his own personal doormat.  In front of my female friends he would act like a cavalier flirt, and afterwards would text me about how he didn’t really mean it – but that he also thought that this friend or that friend in particular was pretty hot and he wouldn’t mind having a tumble with them, either.  (Seriously.)  In front of my guy friends, he was still utterly pompous and arrogant:  his comments and stories and insights brought the proverbial male pissing contest(even when no such contest was currently present at table) to a whole new level of absurdity.  
The claim on his part – that of me being “his” girl – leeched into my academic life. A few weeks into term he started pulling the “dying aunt” card on me, alternating that between “flying to Ireland for field research” – all to explain why he was suddenlyAWOL from lectures.  Department policy in our program clearly stated that a certain amount of absences from certain lectures would result in being removed from the class roster, and that such action in turn could result in full termination from our program – barring personal emergency, bereavement, or some similar legitimate incident.  Since he’d been going on about the aunt at death’s door or flying off to Ireland for approved research trips, I figured he would have told our professors as well.
Turns out, he hadn’t:  in November 2011, I was informed of his expulsion from our program by the department head.  For the class where we had a project to do together, I was left holding the bag for the entire project at the risk of losing my grade – and all this transpired three weeks before the deadline.  Another professor called me in for a meeting in which I was made aware of the fact that when he had E-mailed Shaun to inform him of the change in his enrolment status, Shaun’s reply had implicated me as having some part in why his “legitimate” reasons for absences had never been made known to the faculty.  I never mentioned it to Shaun, but when he did finally tell me that he’d been removed from the roster for “stupid” reasons I told him that the syllabus had clearly stated that consecutive absences over a prolonged period of time would result in exactly this, and that the professor who got the ball rolling on his expulsion from the program was entirely in the right.  His response was to accuse me of being a brown-nosing overachiever who wasn’t quite clever enough to get the kind of grades I had –and to state that I must be sleeping with the aforementioned professor because it was the only way to explain my grades in that class and my loyalty to the prof.
I didn’t see or hear from Shaun at all between the beginning of December 2011 and mid-January 2012.  I ran into him briefly then, and received an E-mail from him the next day stating that I had come off as “distant and cold” and that he “didn’t like that.”  I didn’t hear from him at all again until mid-March, when out of the blue he asked me why I hadn’t told him that my father had passed away.  I’m guessing that FaceBook had assisted him in gleaning that nugget of information, as I hadn’t had any direct or personal contact with him at all.  
The last I heard of Shaun from anyone in the circle of our common acquaintances was sometime in early 2013, when I received a phone call from one of them warning me that Shaun might be back in Montreal, and that since leaving the city in 2012 had gotten into a relationship where the girlfriend had become suspicious enough to actually start digging into his life and personal affairs.  During that phone call I was made aware that Shaun had once called up several of his Montreal acquaintances demanding they be “references” for this girl so he could confirm his story to her; insofar as I know, the most anyone said was that he’d been in Montreal and they had met him on one or two occasions.  That was the very last I heard of this guy until coming across this blog via a friend who’d had the misfortune of being on his project team in a different class the same year I’d been subjected to the same. 

As you can tell, my “Shaun Story” differs from previous ones in that I wasn’t conned out of money, wasn’t saddled with him leeching off at my flat for weeks on end, and wasn’t even romantically involved with him.  Nevertheless, even without any of these things happening to me I was still tricked into believing him for a time – just long enough, really, for him to get really evil, mean, and nasty when I made it known that I no longer trusted his word or his integrity.  The moral at the end of any “Shaun Story” is that he has nothing to offer anyone that’s worth any kind of trust, that his word is worthless, and that his integrity is nonexistent.  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

From another victim of Shaun, this time from the Canadian prespective (2010)

The beginning…….

It was a cold and blistery January day when I first met Shaun, much like the space in his chest where his heart should be.  He charmed his way into my life quickly and things moved fast. He moved in with me after about three weeks of dating. That right there was the first red flag which I chose to ignore.

Shaun claimed to have just arrived in Montreal from Ireland and did not yet have a job lined up. A valid reason it seemed at the time.The second red flag sprang up when one day upon arriving home from work Shaun informed me that he had lost his wallet; it must have fallen out of the pocket of his jeans he claimed.  Along with his wallet, he had lost any ID cards, his Bank of Ireland card and his credit card.  He assured me that he would repay me in full within weeks and that if I could just cover his expenses for the time being that would be most appreciative. Being the sucker that I am for those less fortunate I agreed to help him out.

The process of getting his cards back took a long while. When he finally did receive both his credit card and bank card back, he came up with a new story to capture me. Shaun’s assets were frozen so he was unable to access any money from any accounts. The reason which I never really understood, but it had something to do with the sale of his house in Ireland that was in the process of going through. Luckily though, according to Shaun, his ‘accountant’ in Ireland who was a good friend of the family would be able to lend him some money in the meantime, until his financials were sorted out. All I had to do was pay for his flight down there (approximately $1,000 CAD) to sort everything out.  No shock, Shaun returned back with no money but assuring me that his ‘accountant’ was handling it and that it would all be taken care of within days.

To make a very long and depressing story short I never saw a dime from Shaun and he continued to borrow money from me for a cell phone, for his cigarettes, for every day expenses as well as two more trips to Ireland to desperately sort out ‘his finances’.I stayed with Shaun for about 8 months longer than I really wanted to; I wanted him to pay me back in full, or even a portion, before I kicked him to the curb. Eventually I got fed up of waiting and didn’t care about the money anymore and just wanted Shaun out of my life forever.  The day I kicked Shaun out was one of the happiest days of my life.

Just when I thought he was gone…..

Sadly, the story doesn’t end there. Similar to Shaun’s other victims Shaun continued to harass me, telling me how much he loved me and couldn’t possibly live without me. He went so far as to write me an email talking like he was going to kill himself. I didn’t hear from him for 2 days (this is where he wanted me to think he was dead). I wrote back saying that I was going to contact the police in Ireland (which is where Shaun had fled after Canada) to tell them that he was suicidal. Shaun instantly replied begging me not to.

Just when I thought he was gone for good…..

A few months went by and I thought I had finally rid of him. Then, out of the blue, I receive an email that says that he has nowhere to live and that he is living on the street and that he can only go into a internet café once every few days to use their free internet. He asked for just a little bit of money so he could stay in a shelter for the night and eat food that wasn’t out of the garbage can.  I complied. I would be a horrible person if I left someone starve to death, despite how much I hated Shaun at that moment. After a few more installments of cash I didn’t hear from Shaun again.


About six months later Shaun emailed me to tell me that he was living with a new girlfriend and that she was pregnant and they were going to have a baby. Sadly though, Shaun claimed that he had just been diagnosed of cancer and had only a few months left to live. He of course was looking for some money so that his girlfriend and kid could be looked after when he passed away.  At this point, I had finally come to my senses and realized that my initial instincts were right, that Shaun was indeed a conman. I wrote him back to pretty much say so sad to head the news but that there was nothing that I could do for him and that the cancer was pretty much his karma. And that, my friends, was the very last I heard from Shaun. At that point I had really hoped he had died of cancer and I was very very to hear about this blog and find out that he was still very much alive. Just my bloody luck.

The lies

Most of the lies that the other victims have mentioned have all been used on my by Shaun. So I won’t re-post these here, but what I will do is share with you one incident in particular that is the most shocking.

I was organizing a fundraising event at my office for a charity foundation that raises money for terminally ill children. I had brought the cash I collected home with me so I could roll it up and cash it in at the bank to get a cheque for the foundation.  I had around $2,000 CAD in cash.I hid this money in my sock drawer at home.

When it came time to roll up the money, I noticed that I was severely short of the $2,000 I should had had. I suspected Shaun right away and even confronted him about it. He denied taking anything and somehow convinced me that I must have lost some of the money on my way home (some must have fallen out of the envelope) or something along those lines.

I stupidly gave him the benefit of the doubt and had to contribute my own personal money to make up the difference for the amount I was short, which was around $800- $1,000.

Looking back now, obviously it was Shaun who stole the money. I am never one to lose things, ever.

Nice guy, stealing money from terminally ill children. I guess lesson learned is always trust your instincts.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Beware - Shaun is pure evil

Whilst Shaun has done untold damage to me, I will not let him win. I, like so many of the other women he has conned felt stupid and foolish. But we have done nothing wrong the only mistake any of us made was to trust him and to be good people. 

So please don’t feel foolish, the only person who has done anything wrong is Shaun. 

He is a bad man to the core, he has no redeeming features and does nothing but cause hurt, upset and despair. As someone else posted on here, we believe he is a predator.

I have gotten him out of my life . T  This is exactly what he is..


He's a coward, a liar and a cheat.

So in closing, if you are unlucky enough to have become involved with Shaun Keller, kick him out NOW

He is a liar and will cheat on you, just as he has done with every single woman he has ever been with. 

He will "borrow" money off of you with the promise that it will be paid back. It won’t be, ever.

He will try and manipulate you in various ways. 

He will be abusive, mean and nasty. He will fly off the handle if you challenge him.

If any of what I have said rings true, please contact the blog and I will provide more proof to show you everything I have said is true.

 being;  I believe is incapable of being a good person.  He betrayed my trust and my good nature. He was happy to try and break me for his own pleasure.

It was all a game to him. So Shaun Keller, I have news for you…………YOU LOSE

Lies Lies Lies

If you are with him now the chances are he will try and talk his way out of what I have said, so I will list just a few of his more common lies. I can guarantee that more than a few of these will ring true for you as he is a compulsive liar:

LIE: He claims he has money in Canada/Ireland/somewhere he can’t access and needs you to lend him money.
TRUTH: I believe he is a conman and liar and will bleed you dry until you have nothing left to give and then move on.

LIE: He will pay you back as soon as his transfer comes through/cheque clears
TRUTH: He has no money of his own at all. In fact I have seen 2 bank statements here in Galway showing him to have no money at all, as well as bills for 2 phone companies and a Cable company to whom he owes a total of almost €4000.

LIE: He has a dead daughter and fiancé
TRUTH: As far as we are aware he has NEVER had a child (thank God) nor has he a fiancé, dead or alive. He uses this to garner sympathy so he can manipulate you.

LIE: He’s building a house
TRUTH: He lives in hostels until he can manipulate someone to let him move in with them or lend him money.

LIE: His accountant in Florida is not returning his calls/getting back to him
TRUTH: He has no money of his own. Any cash he flashes with you is money he has "borrowed" off of someone else. I was made aware that his trip to Florida that I paid for so he could see his "accountant" was so that he could see a girl there that he was cheating on me with.

LIE: He could have studied medicine
TRUTH: He went so far as to forge a letter from a leading Hospital in Ireland when he was questioned previously about working there. He is NOT and NEVER was a doctor.

LIE: He is training for a role in Game of Thrones
TRUTH: He is not a professional actor of any sort. He is believed to be currently working in a bar in Dublin  

LIE: His brother is the mess up of the family and he doesn’t have anything to do with him.
TRUTH: His brother is a decent man, who is the utteropposite to him.

LIE: His mother abandoned him
TRUTH: He is estranged from most of his family, but that seems to be something they have done as a result of his behaviour over the years. He has conned, lied, cheated, abused, harassed and stalked women as far back as 1998. His family have had to deal with the fallout from this over the years, so it’s no surprise they appear to want little to do with him.

LIE: He is having a heart attack/is in the hospital having tests
TRUTH: When he says this I believe that he is either with someone else or he is trying to manipulate you into feeling sorry for him as he feels you are fighting back/pulling away/questioning too much.

LIE: His Aunt died
TRUTH: I paid for him to go to his aunt’s funeral in May 2014 and I know of at least one other woman who paid for him to go to the same funeral 3 months prior to that.

LIE: The woman who set this blog up is insane, and he is taking her to court over the blog.
TRUTH: I have actually gone and met the amazing woman who set this blog up and she is not insane, and neither am I. Nor are any of the dozen or so women I have spoken with, all of whom feel that Shaun has conned money out of them.

None of us are disgruntled ex’s looking for revenge – in fact ll of us are delighted to have him out of our lives for good. We are just trying to stop him from causing any more damage to any more lives as he appears to have no conscience whatsoever.
He is not taking legal action because he has no money and he cant claim defamation of character because everything we have said is true.
LIE: He is on the phone to his “cousin” – this is usually texts/viber/watsapp/Facebook
TRUTH: When he says he “cousin” he is more than likely chatting/meeting other women and cheating on you.
LIE: He has a female family friend whom he refers to as his “sister”.
TRUTH: This seems to be another girl he is cheating on you with

The worst day of my life was meeting Shaun Keller

I had the utter misfortune to meet Shaun Keller in Galway (Republic of Ireland) in April 2014. One of the happiest days of my life was at the end of July 2014 when I was able to kick him out of my flat and out of my life for good. I met Shaun on the dating site, and bar his name and Date of birth, just about every other thing he told me it seems was a lie. When I met him, Shaun claimed he was a Rodeo Bull rider and could speak at length and with staggering accuracy about it all and was incredibly convincing. I now know that he did try bull riding a number of years ago, but from what I have been told he was embarrassingly bad at it, and so he has to lie about his abilities. That it seems is what Shaun does – HE LIES Shortly after I met him Shaun claimed his cash card had become demagnetised and had no access to his cash. He had swept me off my feet and started manipulating me into lending him money. He claimed he was just borrowing cash from me so that he could go to Florida and see his accountant who would consolidate his portfolio of property stocks and shares that he had accumulated over the years. I have since been told he was seeing someone else in Florida and I have found out that his “portfolio” does not exist and he has no money. The long and the short of it is that Shaun manipulated me into lending him a lot of money, taking out a phone contract, paying for flights and letting him move in with me. I know for a fact he used the money I gave him for flights to take out another girl in Dublin, and other places, flashing the cash and playing the big man. I also believe he stole money from my handbag and then claimed that I must have mislaid it. He isolated me from my friends and family and was what I would call mean, nasty and abusive and absolutely pushed me to the brink emotionally, financially and psychologically. I cannot stress enough how awful my time with Shaun Keller was. I am not an idiot, I questioned him, I queried everything but I believe him to be a practised liar. I am 32, I am well educated and I am sensible. Shaun however is what I believe to be a professional conman and is a master manipulator and liar. He finds nice, decent good women and then lies, cheats to obtain money from them. I found this blog because he brought it to my attention. I believe he did that for 2 reasons. 1. Was because he needed money from me to go and see solicitor to try and get it taken down. 2. Was because I think he knew it was only a matter of time before I found it myself and so by telling me about it he was able to say that it was obviously untrue or he wouldn’t have told me about it. This is another example of how he can manipulate and cause you to question and doubt your own judgement. Once I was able to get Shaun out of my home and thankfully out f my life, I made contact with the fantastic woman who set up this blog. Together we have pieced together a large part of what can only be described as a trail of destruction that Shaun has left in his wake across Canada, USA and now Ireland since 1998. I have since found out the Shaun has also claimed to be a doctor (going so far to as to buy scrubs and a stethoscope to wear to “work” every day), a theoretical biochemist, an actor, a country recording artist (he was off to Nashville) and a soldier but to name but a few. Shaun is not nor has he even been anything other than someone who flits from temporary job to temporary job, barely holding down a bar job. I urge you, if you are unlucky enough to have met him then kick him out now, cut off contact and notify your nearest police station. It has been shown that Shaun has a long history of stalking and harassment. He will claim he is committing suicide or he will contact you pretending to be someone else claiming he has gone missing. He has also claimed he has cancer in the past, going so far as to rip clumps of his own hair out of his head claiming it’s the effects of chemo. I can’t stress enough the damage this man has caused.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

April - August 2014 - Galway: The Sceal (story)

So here is what we were told to add to the list of lies:-

1) Won a bare knuckle fight against a traveller for €10,000.

2) Was in charge of 1,000 + people in Canada as he was head of catering 

3) He has a black belt in jiu-jitsu & a boxer since he was 6yrs old & boxed in the Golden Glove in Canada.

4) Was building a house in Down.

5) Is currently in training for a role in "Game of Thrones"

6) Went out with a girl for 6 years, recently broke up with her as she was "mad".  He said that while they were together he would take lots of holidays & ring her from airport to say hes on his way to wherever as the plane was boarding & got a great kick from her reaction of him leaving without her.

7) Has a huge amount of savings so much so he doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to.

8) He is apparently a very heavy sleeper , so heavy that he was robbed of everything in his apartment while he slept on the sofa 

Seem to use hostels and facebook as a means to find the next "girlfriend"  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I can add some things to your Shaun Keller list as I got wrapped up with him 10 years ago!

I was lucky and was out with minimal money and time spent and minimal money stolen. 
Ladies; he is so not worth anything financially/emotionally/sexually......just stay away.  He is a predator!


He did try to bull ride - shute opens bull bucks Shaun jumps off - I saw this 3 times and have friends who saw same 3 additional times as my group used to all be involved in rodeo.

He is an avid gambler (and will tell you he can win every dollar he borrowed plus back if you would just lend him some to get into an underground card game).

He will send crazy texts stating he is someone else and that his rental car was found in ditch with windshield smashed and him no where to be found or some other missing, killed, committed suicide.

He can cry at drop of hat and will threaten suicide.
He will say that the girls male friends tried to kill him and will even go so far as to have a police report filed and yes the police DID contact me and my male friends that he named.  The police here knew at that time that Shaun Keller is mentally ill.


The large portfolio that he can't seem to ever get access too the money as it is an inheritance from his dead father/grandmother/uncle........

He owns a ranch out west that he employs a staff of 8 plus and includes his sister and her kids living there rent and payment free in return for her having the reins on the income of said ranch so he is never able to get it because she is fighting him for it since he doesn't live there.

He was in the military.

He regularly needs to go to the hospital for "chest pain". (These are either so you won't call him as he is with someone else or anxiety/panic attacks if you are fighting or if he thinks you are pulling away).  He has every type cancer out there. (He actually ripped clumps of his hair out to show what the treatment was doing to him.)

He is buying land to expand his horse empire.


He wants to change his last name to McGurnaghan because he hates his father and all the name Keller represents.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Then there were 2, 4..........

The " Shaun Keller, McGurnaghan, O'Ceileachair" whoever he is these day... story goes

that I am a bitter ex, seeking revenge via this blog... really Shaun, the only tears I seen were yours! (available for viewing on youtube or earilier links).
Ladies it does not matter if I am a bitter ex or not, you are already wondering, is it true? it is too mad to be lies? she must be bitter?, believe me he really isn't that good or worth it.  BELIEVE ME!!!!  I have updated the list of lies, if you hear one of them run...........
My email is on this blog, contact me if you are not sure. 


now another girl has come forward, willing to share her story.... how could you argue that away...

the same person but under a different name?? maybe, what if she gave her details too so you could also contact her, and what it another lady was will to contribute and another? these days the world is VERY small.....and there is a nice orderly queue forming. 

 Be brave and walk away
If it seems too good to be true then it (probably) is....


And so, this is my last entry on this blog, but the story continues, who is up next...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

If you wont take my advice - listen to Dr. Phil ( a real doctor)

Tips to Keep You Away From a Con Man

Con artists charm their way into a woman's heart, lie to her, and too often, take her for all she's worth. Candace Delong, former FBI Profiler and author, shares tips to keep you away from a con man.

Signs You're Involved with a Con Artist:
  • Pressure to get married.Marriage is far too important in life to be rushed. Be wary of a wedding or proposal out of the blue. If a man makes you believe your marrying him is a matter of life or death — he's up to something.
  • Vague answers to questions about his past.
    Always ask questions about your mate's background or past. If he refuses to answer these questions, be suspicious. If he does answer the questions, and you wonder if he is telling you the truth, look up the information he gives you on the Internet.
  • Questionable financial worth.
    If a man brags about how much he is worth or claims to be broke because he is paying child support, that can be checked out also. Have him show you income tax records for several years before you merge finances. Always get proof if you aren't sure. Also, be aware if he is always asking to borrow money.
  • Lies about his age.A man lying about his age is cause for concern. He may try to change the date because the real date of his birth is on a warrant for his arrest somewhere. If he claims that there was a mistake on his birth certificate, or his job made a mistake, he is lying. It's illegal to change your birth date.
  • Multiple social security numbers.Having more than one social security number is illegal. If a man has more than one, he is using it to scam money or avoid the criminal justice system. If he claims to be a victim of identity theft, have him show you documentation.
What You Have and Do That Makes You Vulnerable to a Con:
  • You have something worth getting.
    These types of men are looking for a woman with something they can take. You don't have to be wealthy or be an heiress to a huge fortune. If you have a job and a little bit of room on your credit card, this may attract him.
  • Gullibility.
    You have a willingness to believe anything the con artist is telling you. You may think you're a good judge of character, but these guys are really slick. They start learning how to lie at age 3.
  • Believing the grand gesture.Willingness to interpret questionable behavior as love. For example, a man goes to a woman's house when she is not there, gets her stuff and puts it in his place. This is not the loving gesture it might appear to be. For one thing, it's theft. Secondly, it is meant to control her and get her in his world as soon as possible. Also, be wary if he proposes quickly in the relationship.
  • Testing boundaries with money.
    Usually, this occurs early in the relationship. For example, he may ask you out to dinner and when the check comes say, "Oh, honey, I left my wallet in the car." Your response should be, "Oh, honey, I left mine at home."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In short - the lies UPDATED

Okay, so I was going to post more details on how Shaun made my life a misery but I've decided that I couldn't be bothered.  If you have met him and want to talk to me about him, you have my details.  In short though here are the suspected and most probable lies:

1.  He is a practicing doctor - nope, has the knowledge, somehow, which is more disturbing (update: he has the knowledge as his brother and mother are nurses)
1b.He is a Rodeo.  A bull rider... more like bull sh*t. 
2.  His girlfriend and daughter died - I know hard to believe this.  How do I know?
3.  He said he went to Canada in his 20s. but I found him registered for secondary school in Canada, ergo, cant have lost a girlfriend and child who he dated in Northern Ireland, if he didn't live there.  The girl in the photos that he is showing you, is actually another girls daughter...and I can prove it
4.  Was in the army - nope
5.  Runs every morning - never wanted to go running with me.  Apparently he runs a sub 5 min mile, that in itself speaks volumes.
6.  Is building a house - I don't know where he got plans from but this guy is broke so no house is being built.
7   The cousins that he says he is talking to are actually other girls on the go.
8.  His accountant wont return his calls (red flag, if your hear this RUN...)
9.  His bank card wont work,  de-maganised, waiting for new account to open
10.  He will pay you back next week, while he waits for a cheque to clear ,yahda yahda. Join the queue....
11. He wants to open an Irish Bar in Canada cause there are none... again red flag..
12. He owns an Aston Martin or is buying you one.  Hilarious, I know.
13.  He will have/or has cancer.
14. He has heart trouble and ends up in hospital, another lie for spending the night somewhere else.


Does Shaun Keller owe you money?- get your story out-HERE!

So lets get down to brass taxes as they say!  I think men like this use women like us because they feel that they have the power to do what they want without any conscience or consequences.......  There is a word for these men, but I would prefer not to say!

I decided to vent via the internet as I knew for sure I was not the first or certainly not the last.  Putting up this blog has proved me right, within the first month I have had over 200 hits from 5 countries!!!! okay so many of these hits are the infamous Shaun Keller, but it also means that there are "OTHERS" , like me out there. 

Many thanks to the people who have shared online and privately, it makes this rant worthwhile.  But now, lets start communicating/sharing on this blog, who knows what we can achieve because I am pretty sure taking money and promising to repay it and not! is pretty illegal.  See link to paper below.

So I will get the ball rolling................................


    I just wanted to apologise for everything and let you know that I was able to divert your birthday present so that you have what you asked for. No contact. Lodging money into your account is considered contact, I verified this with the guards this morning. I wish you all the happiness in the world and wish you could just talk to me. I've accepted a position and am going to do what I was born to do. I wish you wanted to share this happy time with me. I know you don't but I will always pray for your health and happiness. Should you ever decide you want to talk. You know how to get in touch with me. I will miss you and love you always.
Love always
Sent from my iPhone

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 05 February 2014 10:48
Subject: Re: Will you talk civilly to me if I ring
Ok I'm sorry. I just wanted to make civil arrangements to pay you but don't want you to be angry. You won't hear from me again. When you have had some time to calm down then email me and we will make arrangements for the transfer.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 5 Feb 2014, at 10:46,            wrote:
Another message and I will go to thee police. I am serious.
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Shaun Keller
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 10:41 AM
 Subject: Will you talk civilly to me if I ring
Will you talk civilly to me fast to make arrangements. Nothing
 else. 5 minutes tops. That's all
----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 05 February 2014 16:20
Subject: Last goodbye

This is my last goodbye as I leave tomorrow morning. I wish you could just talk to me civilly but I know your anger is too immense. Should you ever wish to see the truth, it will be there for you. I believe in you and forgive you for all the harsh things said and done. I'm not the man you think I am and hope one day you'll realise it. Until then I wish you all the happiness in the world and that all your dreams come true. I did my best and it wasn't enough. I will always worry and wonder if you're ok. That is what true love is.
I will miss you,

Goodbye luv,

(my anger, get a grip! pathetic doesnt even beginning to describe what I think of this ass). A therapist would have a field day with above.. 

Oh you'll have to wait for the money now. There's no tsb where I'm going. You could've just met me for coffee and had it all and seen the truth. Again be safe and get healthy. I am thanks to you.
Sent from my iPhone
Ok so it's set for Monday. Was able to get the time off for the transfer. Be happy and know I love you.
Sent from my iPhone
I have one question, if I couldn't pay off everything in one shot to you would you still want to be with me and move forward and have the great life we are suppose to have? Answer this please!
Sent from my iPhone

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 14 February 2014 13:44
Subject: Truth
 I know that after you read this you won't want to be with me for the man I am but here. As for your payment I can not afford to do it all in one shot. I was just embarrassed cause I should be able to and my portfolio flopped and I'm a failure. I realise that now. I will pay it if as much as I can. I'm sorry that I know you won't love or want to be with me now. I respect that. I don't expect to here from you ever again unless it's you saying nasty things. I am not a freeloader, con man or anything you think of me. I am a good person that was scared because I know I don't deserve someone as great as you. I am now paying the cost and am going to be without my soulmate forever. I am so sorry. I will be doing a transfer like I said on Monday for the majority of the debt. It's all I can afford right now but I want you to have it. I care nothing for money. I only ever cared about you. Shaun

But anyway I'm off to swimming now then weights. Have a great night.
Sent from my iPhone

Last email...  I think he was hinting he was dying in this email, he is like Lazarus, so I have learned!!!!

From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 11 March 2014 15:33
Subject: Re: Hello
Well being as you won't reply I can take the hint. Everything has been sorted for you electronically. As I won't be around cone the 19th. Take care of yourself and I pray that you learn how to truly love. Cause when you do you'll feel like you can do anything. If as a last favor you do anything for me I wish it would be that if I ever cross your mind you smile like we did when we met. 
 I will love you always, goodbye my forever. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Mar 2014, at 14:51, "Shaun Keller" <shnkllr@*********.com> wrote:
 I have unblocked you for the purpose of this email. I am sorry for everything and wish you took the chance to see how great life and love with me would've been. I have made all arrangements, even leaving stuff in trust for Georgia and Nancy I believe her name is. As I won't be needing anything anymore. I wish you could've spoken to me and tried to see how much I love you. 
  I know that I made mistakes but I would've done anything to make you happy and to make you feel my love. You have obviously heard my horrible news and don't care but still now after it all I love you and will to my last day. I will leave your number unblocked for a few hours so that if you'd like to say goodbye I will answer. 
  I am not feeling the best today so it will be a brief call if you decide to call.

This guy is a freeloader and a creep!  Let's expose him and help other women avoid him....



Friday, June 6, 2014

Shaun pretending to be a doctor - chilling!

Who goes into a hospital and takes a photo of themselve??????????????????????????????? or shows you a letter from Temple Street hospital that they were giving advice to students.

So why am I bothering?

I acknowledge that I might appear a bit mental myself going to all this bother naming and shaming Shaun Keller.  Indeed I think it might be easy for Shaun to explain it all away, so I decided that I would show two of our many mainly one way conversations to highlight the trauma (okay I am overreacting here as some of it was hilarious).
In January we decided to call it quits after him stayin in mine for 6 weeks without paying a penny and constantly asking for money (references made below).  From then on I was bombared with countless texts and calls, even my poor mother received calls. The poor woman is 66 and does not need that crap.  By the way, to put in below context, my Dad died two years ago and fairly suddenly, just so you can appreciate the low blows!
Pay attention to the time of message and the number of people involved in the conversation.
and so the story goes.........................................

15/2/2014 10:50: Shaun: Hey hope you're having a good time. I know that you are more concerned with making sure that you were going to get back what is owed. If you did love me still and want to work on things, it wouldn't be such a chore for you to talk to me like we use to or for you to even say I love you once in awhile. But I completely understand. I had a great dream last night and funny enough it was with you da. He is a remarkable person. I wish i had gotten the chance to meet him here. After listening to what he said I understand everything now. I love you so much. Have a great life.
15/2/2014 10:59: Shaun: Sorry you don't want it with me. Would've been amazing and happy full of smiles and laughter.
15/2/2014 11:14: Shaun: I've loved you my whole life waiting to find you and when I did. I was happier than you could imagine. I hope and pray you find that kind of love. Cause even having it for such a short time. Made all the pain I've been through worth it. I wish you still wanted and loved me. Thank you for being my forever.
15/2/2014 11:33: Shaun: Could you call me fast please
15/2/2014 12:06: Shaun: I really do love you more than anything and want to spend my life with you.
15/2/2014 12:20: Shaun: Sorry hit your name by accident was trying to ring my auntie
15/2/2014 12:34: Shaun: Can I call you fast please. I've something to tell you ok? Nothing bad just need to tell you.
15/2/2014 12:35: Shaun: It's ok I'll just send you am email.
15/2/2014 15:17: ME: Pls stop sending emails to my work address.
15/2/2014 16:17: Shaun: I'm sorry you feel that way. It's a mistake though. Have a great life. You are my forever.
15/2/2014 16:37: Shaun: I'm going to ring one last time. Please answer
15/2/2014 16:41: ME: I'm with the kids. I'm sorry shaun. I really thought I could move past it all. I can't please respect that.
15/2/2014 16:42: Shaun: I am. And please respect that life without my forever is not worth living. Goodbye .
15/2/2014 16:42: Shaun: I loved you till the end.
15/2/2014 18:30: Shaun: could you answer for 2 mins please.
15/2/2014 18:32: Shaun: I just wanted to say goodbye. My life is worth nothing to you. You barely even gave me a chance. So if there is anything you want to remember the good man that loves you. Please tell me now.
15/2/2014 19:06: ME: I'm so sorry Shaun. I really am.
16/2/2014 14:23: Shaun: There is no need for you to be sorry. He is in a better place now
16/2/2014 14:25: Shaun: He loved you till his last bit of love that he had left that is a true gift
16/2/2014 14:46: Shaun: Shaun left a letter behind for you, would you like us to post it out to you?
16/2/2014 14:52: Shaun: We tried to call you but it didn't connect. We will just bin the letter
16/2/2014 15:01: Shaun: He does ask in the letter as one last request that you listen to a song called please remember me by Tim McGraw
16/2/2014 15:01: Shaun: Goodbye ms __
16/2/2014 17:06: Shaun: it's Jess I just tried to ring from Shaun's mobile thought you deserved to hear from us but I guess you don't cause you didn't answer we know you don't care but want you to know the truth we will not trouble you again
16/2/2014 17:09: Shaun: We like Shaun just hope you are happy and that you believe you made the right decision because of the cost he loved you so we do and respect that he did
16/2/2014 17:51: Shaun: Just so you know he left holding a picture of you he did love you till the bitter end he believed love could conquer all

And that was one days communciate via IM only, not counting the missed calls and emails.  Needless to say the next day went on the same. 

Below are some more romantic gestures, this time via email, best to start at the bottom and scroll up:-
 (I think Patrick is one of the many people made up by Shaun, or else one of his other personalities)
And I woildnt flatter your self to think he would kill him self over some one like you he is stronger and more logical than that he lives for his daughter

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014, Patrick McGurnaghan <mcgurnaghanpatrick@********.com> wrote:

Even though he defended you you are a cold hearted person you dont even care what you have done to him it is a game to you well you succeeded happy times 


On Tuesday, January 28, 2014, wrote:

Fair enough.


Solicitors details pls.

From: Patrick McGurnaghan [mailto:mcgurnaghanpatrick@********com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 09:37 PM
Subject: Re: Last Will and testament reading of Shaun Keller

We just tried to ring again you obviously dont care why he cares to prove him self to you is beyond me

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014, wrote:

Please let me have your solicitors details.
From: Patrick McGurnaghan [mailto:mcgurnaghanpatrick@*******.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 09:30 PM
Subject: Re: Last Will and testament reading of Shaun Keller
It is a living will not a will for when you are dead he said you were smart I thought you would know the difference shaun is not disturbed he is refocusing you really do wish he was dead that is horrible he asked that his living will be excited for you to see he was real fuck you deserve nothing but his wishes so you won the lottery and now you will never have to worry about money again and the cost was ruining a great person 

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014, wrote:

I know this is hard for you to believe but for a man to take his life only shows how mentally disturbed Shaun was.

I am surprised how fast this is moving, I would have thought there would be an inquest but perhaps he illness was common knowledge. Let me know the details. I think going forward I will only deal with your solicitor.

From: Patrick McGurnaghan [mailto:mcgurnaghanpatrick@********.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 09:21 PM
Subject: Re: Last Will and testament reading of Shaun Keller

Maybe but I dont think so still from what we were told you wished him gone with the cruel things you said we know he is difficult but he did not deserve that

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014,

I've no missed calls you must have the wrong number.
From: Patrick McGurnaghan [mailto:mcgurnaghanpatrick@*******com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 09:16 PM
Subject: Re: Last Will and testament reading of Shaun Keller
We tried you didnt answer we have seen and been told what you said to shaun we are not happy with it and the look he had when he came with the will and collected his diplomas and some of his stuff said it all we will tell you what you are getting after the reading you won the lottery

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014, wrote:

Can you call me.
From: Patrick McGurnaghan [mailto:mcgurnaghanpatrick@*******.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 09:11 PM
Subject: Re: Last Will and testament reading of Shaun