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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In short - the lies UPDATED

Okay, so I was going to post more details on how Shaun made my life a misery but I've decided that I couldn't be bothered.  If you have met him and want to talk to me about him, you have my details.  In short though here are the suspected and most probable lies:

1.  He is a practicing doctor - nope, has the knowledge, somehow, which is more disturbing (update: he has the knowledge as his brother and mother are nurses)
1b.He is a Rodeo.  A bull rider... more like bull sh*t. 
2.  His girlfriend and daughter died - I know hard to believe this.  How do I know?
3.  He said he went to Canada in his 20s. but I found him registered for secondary school in Canada, ergo, cant have lost a girlfriend and child who he dated in Northern Ireland, if he didn't live there.  The girl in the photos that he is showing you, is actually another girls daughter...and I can prove it
4.  Was in the army - nope
5.  Runs every morning - never wanted to go running with me.  Apparently he runs a sub 5 min mile, that in itself speaks volumes.
6.  Is building a house - I don't know where he got plans from but this guy is broke so no house is being built.
7   The cousins that he says he is talking to are actually other girls on the go.
8.  His accountant wont return his calls (red flag, if your hear this RUN...)
9.  His bank card wont work,  de-maganised, waiting for new account to open
10.  He will pay you back next week, while he waits for a cheque to clear ,yahda yahda. Join the queue....
11. He wants to open an Irish Bar in Canada cause there are none... again red flag..
12. He owns an Aston Martin or is buying you one.  Hilarious, I know.
13.  He will have/or has cancer.
14. He has heart trouble and ends up in hospital, another lie for spending the night somewhere else.



  1. You are completely right about him. He's not to be trusted. Can I contact you privately please?

    1. of course.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Can I use the same email address provided above to contact you privately with my shitty Shaun story too?

  2. This an arsehole a lier a sham and a fucker may he be struck down by lightning

  3. Hi,

    I want to just make people aware that the pathetic mole of a human Shaun is on a website called celtx claiming he is a scriptwriter looking to collaborate with people on his script. he asked me to meet him luckily I asked him did he have a facebook account he didn't which I found odd so I then found this website he claims to be setting up a movie company of sorts so if I had met the snail he probs would of eventually tried to leech money off me here are some of the gmails that evil toad has sent me

    may add its sicking to hear these story's of this weak pathetic sad lonely manipulative "man"

    Please to meet your acquaintance. How long have you been writing? Do you have a project on the go right now? Let me know and maybe we can meet for coffee and I can show you a sample of what I have started and see if you might like to co-write it with me to finish it up?
    ike yourself I did other things first and am script writing to create work possibly for myself and up and coming actors so they get experience.

    Long term goal is to start my own film/production company.

    You should never let being new to script writing give you a negative thought like you said i may not interested in co-writing with you. I learned at first by working with someone and now I do it myself.

    So if you're still interested in writing let me know.


    I am currently writing an action/drama. However I'm glad that you have a comedy passion as I think my script definitely needs a little more dark humour to it.

    We can set up a time to meet and talk over coffee. Just let me know when and where works for you. That way I will bring a portion of the script for you to look over.

    I know some people are secretive about their work but my work is already copyrighted. If you collaborate with me I just add your name to the copyright.

    So I have nothing to fear about being secretive with some collaborating with me.

    I hope this is of help, hopefully he will be struck down by cancer the fuckers a cunt

  4. Ha I went to high school with him, and his brother. He was a bull rider in Quebec. He's from montreal(lasalle) nope never had a daughter, I asked Kevin his bro. He was normal in hs,but he seems to be living in an imaginary world he created. One day he's in Toronto, where I think he really lives then today he's in Ireland lol

  5. Hey guys currently, this guy Shaun Laird Keller, as he goes by now, is currently living in Artane Dublin 5 and is attempting to groom me, saying he's in the movie 'Predator' LMFAO, never believed him but pretended to because I had a feeling he was lonely, as I am a young student and felt it was strange that he was even messaging me but I knew him from a shop I worked in, he used to come into the shop at ten get two coffees and tell us he had already ran 5k lol he knew no one believed him in the shop, you could tell. He knew I had an interest in acting so thats probably the reason he was trying to groom me but for the life of me I don't know what he thinks he can get out of me since am currently studying. Fucking weirdo lol

    1. Thanks for your email. Groom is indeed the correct term. I have struggled myself with why he does this, why he can't just be himself. It must be exhausting. Only thing I can think of is he is really unwell and honestly believes it. He gets off on it. Don't stay around to see what he wants, he will make your life miserable. It's not worth it. In the end I was properly scared and I'm well able to look after myself. But we'll done you. You figured out something wasn't right. Did you see his fb page being a bullrider. Again I just don't get it! Thanks for the post always good to know his status.

    2. Look after yourself. Don't wait around to find out the reason. It'money end of and he is not mentally well. Well done for figuring him out. Tx for the update.

    3. I went to HS with Shaun. In Canada. He is/was always a pathological liar. He has always had an inferiority complex. And even back in the 90's used to create fake material to support his egocentric lies. Illusions of grandeur. He is clearly a narcissist bordering psychopath. His family wants nothing to do with him. When his mother passed away (2016-17), he didn't even attend the funeral. I am very sorry to all the women that this creep has hurt. Hopefully he finally gets the thorough ass kicking that he has always needed.

  6. Well Im an airbrush artist from Ottawa Canada and was recently called by a Shaun L. Kelley telling, me he was playing for the Irish National Team in Ireland….

    He wanted me to paint his goalie mask, and also claimed he had family from Montreal? He actually called me from a number that showed Edenderry ,Co Offaly,Irleland on the display? We communicated several times by emails back and forth as well as over the phone regarding the design and price, but has not responded to my emails, since I requested a deposit for the job??

    I decided to research his name after waiting a couple of days for him to respond, and I came across this information that seems very familiar to my guy? Im just wondering if this is possibly this guy, and why would he go through all this effort to not have any gains from it?

  7. Well Im an airbrush artist from Ottawa Canada and was recently called by a Shaun L. Kelley telling, me he was playing for the Irish National Team in Ireland….

    He wanted me to paint his goalie mask, and also claimed he had family from Montreal? He actually called me from a number that showed Edenderry ,Co Offaly,Irleland on the display? We communicated several times by emails back and forth as well as over the phone regarding the design and price, but has not responded to my emails, since I requested a deposit for the job??

    I decided to research his name after waiting a couple of days for him to respond, and I came across this information that seems very familiar to my guy? Im just wondering if this is possibly this guy, and why would he go through all this effort to not have any gains from it?
