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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Shaun Laird you are running out of names, places and stories....


  1. I don't think he is running, it's his name. You really are grasping at straws. Very petty and drawn out know. Maybe you should find a new hobby? I'm looking forward to seeing him again live. You need to let go!

    1. That's NOT his name. His name is Shaun Keller and he doesn't have 1 studio album. he's Canadian and NOT from the south so listening to that southern accent is hysterical. 😂😂😂😂 When I met him, he had an Irish accent even though he's from Canada you couldn't possibly see him live. He's not a musician. What he is is a sociopath. There isn't any help for poor souls like that 😂😂 I feel so bad for the women he took advantage of. And clearly this is Shaun. Hey Shaun 😂😂

    2. or one of his many other personalities

  2. Funny, You seem to think this is affecting me...hahaha.. Even when you message people from my music page. Thing is, maybe they have seen that I was in the Military and that I did bull ride. Your attempts to keep me down are useless. I'm not letting someone as petty and immature as you control my life. Maybe you should focus on your own instead of mine. Say all you want, I'll just keep laughing at it.

    1. Are you for real, you seriously need professional help, are you conveniently ignoring that you pretended to be a doctor, dying of cancer, build houses throughout Ireland and constantly having the same aunt dying. You are leaving a trail of destruction behind you and all you can say is that you have been bull riding and in the Military, whilst ignoring ALL the other more shocking lies. Get a real job, stop sponging of women and live in reality.

    2. Shaun you are missing the point, you seem to think this blog is about hurting you and controlling, but it is not. These are entries by women that you have truly hurt through your lies which you seem not to be able to acknowledge. Your life must be so pointless trying to keep these lies/reinvent yourself up or maybe you actually believe them, either case shows that you need medical help soon.

    3. Shaun- you've never done any of those things.

  3. Lmao o this is so sad shaun... Please stop and get some help

  4. He is utterly pathetic.

    He claimed to be a professional bull rider when he was with me, and spoke with a Down/Canadian accent - He claimed he lived with his "Nanna" in down, hence his mixed up accent, something his brother has proven is a lie as he grew up in Canada.

    He used my money claiming it was to pay for trips to compete in professional bull riding tournaments as his card was broken adn there was a delay in transferring his funds from Canada, when in fact he was spending it on other women and maintaining the web of lies and fantasies he has constructed.

    The fact that he posted a video with a very bad "country" accent claiming he has been in the music industry for 15 years shows he is a fantasist of the highest order.

    Ladies please do not believe his lies. He has left a trail of destruction throughout Canada, America and Ireland for at least the last 15 years.

    He needs professional help, as he is clearly very very unwell.

  5. Please all report Shauns page to FB as a scam so they will take it down.

  6. I'm sure whoever the poor unfortunate he's seeing now probably bought him those guitars because I'm sure he's still waiting for his cards to be renewd or some sort of crap like that.
    Beware Shaun karma is a great thing!!!

  7. You are a lier and a manipulating piece off s##t.
    You will get your karma soon
    Only a matter off time ..
    Tick tock ....

  8. When he was living in Canada for a spell, he convinced me to buy him a guitar despite the fact that I had no money myself.

    And the sad thing is that I never heard him actually play the guitar, he just talked about playing it, basically meaning that he didn't actually know how and it was yet another one of his lies.
    He is truly manipulative, please don't believe a word he says. There are over 20 girls from all over the world who we have made contact with via this site that are victims of Shaun's. Enough said.

    This site is not a target on Shaun. Its intention is to hopefully prevent any further harm he may cause.

  9. Success, his page is down! Strength in numbers.

    1. Looks like he just blocked all of us... its still there, with his creepy eyes...

    2. I see someone has made a comment on his picture on Facebook has anyone contacted him to tell him what sort of a person he's friends with??

  10. Any word on where he is these days?

  11. You all know that Laird is his middle name, so he isn't making up a name. You are ridiculous. Can't wait to see your faces when the film he's working on comes out. You all need to grow up!

  12. I just noticed a comment above from Olivia, Shaun's military service number is A58528271, I looked up his Military medical records at Library and Archives in Ottawa and there are pictures of him bull riding from 2006 with the A.C.E.C. Could you please explain that for me?

    1. He TRIED to bull ride when he was playing me for a fool.....he never came close to 8 secs and wore horse riding chaps.....he rode 1.5 seasons

  13. Oh dear he is now a professional bullrider for the Irish bullrider...give me a break. From doctor to country singer to bullrider....his mind is quite something

    1. Is this person as weird as I am reading it? He was recently in contact with a friend of mine here in Dublin 5, and I don't want to show her these things if they are not really true. I did type his name into google and got onto this page, as things she was saying about him were rather strange, and I think deep down she felt there is something not quite right with things he is telling her. Yet on another page it had his sister-in-law defending him?? I don't want to cause upset to anyone, but something about him as a screenwriter, biochemist, graduating high school at 15,bull rider etc all seem strange.

    2. Ok I understand but you googled if you message me privately at I will send you all the messages of abusive he sent me. I saved the emails, voicemails and what's app. Sister in law is him! I know his brother he is not married.i will also give you my number. I promise this guy is no joke.

  14. Scamming people in Canada pretending to be making a huge film.
