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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Does Shaun Keller owe you money?- get your story out-HERE!

So lets get down to brass taxes as they say!  I think men like this use women like us because they feel that they have the power to do what they want without any conscience or consequences.......  There is a word for these men, but I would prefer not to say!

I decided to vent via the internet as I knew for sure I was not the first or certainly not the last.  Putting up this blog has proved me right, within the first month I have had over 200 hits from 5 countries!!!! okay so many of these hits are the infamous Shaun Keller, but it also means that there are "OTHERS" , like me out there. 

Many thanks to the people who have shared online and privately, it makes this rant worthwhile.  But now, lets start communicating/sharing on this blog, who knows what we can achieve because I am pretty sure taking money and promising to repay it and not! is pretty illegal.  See link to paper below.

So I will get the ball rolling................................


    I just wanted to apologise for everything and let you know that I was able to divert your birthday present so that you have what you asked for. No contact. Lodging money into your account is considered contact, I verified this with the guards this morning. I wish you all the happiness in the world and wish you could just talk to me. I've accepted a position and am going to do what I was born to do. I wish you wanted to share this happy time with me. I know you don't but I will always pray for your health and happiness. Should you ever decide you want to talk. You know how to get in touch with me. I will miss you and love you always.
Love always
Sent from my iPhone

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 05 February 2014 10:48
Subject: Re: Will you talk civilly to me if I ring
Ok I'm sorry. I just wanted to make civil arrangements to pay you but don't want you to be angry. You won't hear from me again. When you have had some time to calm down then email me and we will make arrangements for the transfer.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 5 Feb 2014, at 10:46,            wrote:
Another message and I will go to thee police. I am serious.
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Shaun Keller
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 10:41 AM
 Subject: Will you talk civilly to me if I ring
Will you talk civilly to me fast to make arrangements. Nothing
 else. 5 minutes tops. That's all
----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 05 February 2014 16:20
Subject: Last goodbye

This is my last goodbye as I leave tomorrow morning. I wish you could just talk to me civilly but I know your anger is too immense. Should you ever wish to see the truth, it will be there for you. I believe in you and forgive you for all the harsh things said and done. I'm not the man you think I am and hope one day you'll realise it. Until then I wish you all the happiness in the world and that all your dreams come true. I did my best and it wasn't enough. I will always worry and wonder if you're ok. That is what true love is.
I will miss you,

Goodbye luv,

(my anger, get a grip! pathetic doesnt even beginning to describe what I think of this ass). A therapist would have a field day with above.. 

Oh you'll have to wait for the money now. There's no tsb where I'm going. You could've just met me for coffee and had it all and seen the truth. Again be safe and get healthy. I am thanks to you.
Sent from my iPhone
Ok so it's set for Monday. Was able to get the time off for the transfer. Be happy and know I love you.
Sent from my iPhone
I have one question, if I couldn't pay off everything in one shot to you would you still want to be with me and move forward and have the great life we are suppose to have? Answer this please!
Sent from my iPhone

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 14 February 2014 13:44
Subject: Truth
 I know that after you read this you won't want to be with me for the man I am but here. As for your payment I can not afford to do it all in one shot. I was just embarrassed cause I should be able to and my portfolio flopped and I'm a failure. I realise that now. I will pay it if as much as I can. I'm sorry that I know you won't love or want to be with me now. I respect that. I don't expect to here from you ever again unless it's you saying nasty things. I am not a freeloader, con man or anything you think of me. I am a good person that was scared because I know I don't deserve someone as great as you. I am now paying the cost and am going to be without my soulmate forever. I am so sorry. I will be doing a transfer like I said on Monday for the majority of the debt. It's all I can afford right now but I want you to have it. I care nothing for money. I only ever cared about you. Shaun

But anyway I'm off to swimming now then weights. Have a great night.
Sent from my iPhone

Last email...  I think he was hinting he was dying in this email, he is like Lazarus, so I have learned!!!!

From: Shaun Keller
Sent: 11 March 2014 15:33
Subject: Re: Hello
Well being as you won't reply I can take the hint. Everything has been sorted for you electronically. As I won't be around cone the 19th. Take care of yourself and I pray that you learn how to truly love. Cause when you do you'll feel like you can do anything. If as a last favor you do anything for me I wish it would be that if I ever cross your mind you smile like we did when we met. 
 I will love you always, goodbye my forever. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Mar 2014, at 14:51, "Shaun Keller" <shnkllr@*********.com> wrote:
 I have unblocked you for the purpose of this email. I am sorry for everything and wish you took the chance to see how great life and love with me would've been. I have made all arrangements, even leaving stuff in trust for Georgia and Nancy I believe her name is. As I won't be needing anything anymore. I wish you could've spoken to me and tried to see how much I love you. 
  I know that I made mistakes but I would've done anything to make you happy and to make you feel my love. You have obviously heard my horrible news and don't care but still now after it all I love you and will to my last day. I will leave your number unblocked for a few hours so that if you'd like to say goodbye I will answer. 
  I am not feeling the best today so it will be a brief call if you decide to call.

This guy is a freeloader and a creep!  Let's expose him and help other women avoid him....



1 comment:

  1. Messages I got from him are almost identical. Same manipulative bullshit.
