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Friday, September 26, 2014

The worst day of my life was meeting Shaun Keller

I had the utter misfortune to meet Shaun Keller in Galway (Republic of Ireland) in April 2014. One of the happiest days of my life was at the end of July 2014 when I was able to kick him out of my flat and out of my life for good. I met Shaun on the dating site, and bar his name and Date of birth, just about every other thing he told me it seems was a lie. When I met him, Shaun claimed he was a Rodeo Bull rider and could speak at length and with staggering accuracy about it all and was incredibly convincing. I now know that he did try bull riding a number of years ago, but from what I have been told he was embarrassingly bad at it, and so he has to lie about his abilities. That it seems is what Shaun does – HE LIES Shortly after I met him Shaun claimed his cash card had become demagnetised and had no access to his cash. He had swept me off my feet and started manipulating me into lending him money. He claimed he was just borrowing cash from me so that he could go to Florida and see his accountant who would consolidate his portfolio of property stocks and shares that he had accumulated over the years. I have since been told he was seeing someone else in Florida and I have found out that his “portfolio” does not exist and he has no money. The long and the short of it is that Shaun manipulated me into lending him a lot of money, taking out a phone contract, paying for flights and letting him move in with me. I know for a fact he used the money I gave him for flights to take out another girl in Dublin, and other places, flashing the cash and playing the big man. I also believe he stole money from my handbag and then claimed that I must have mislaid it. He isolated me from my friends and family and was what I would call mean, nasty and abusive and absolutely pushed me to the brink emotionally, financially and psychologically. I cannot stress enough how awful my time with Shaun Keller was. I am not an idiot, I questioned him, I queried everything but I believe him to be a practised liar. I am 32, I am well educated and I am sensible. Shaun however is what I believe to be a professional conman and is a master manipulator and liar. He finds nice, decent good women and then lies, cheats to obtain money from them. I found this blog because he brought it to my attention. I believe he did that for 2 reasons. 1. Was because he needed money from me to go and see solicitor to try and get it taken down. 2. Was because I think he knew it was only a matter of time before I found it myself and so by telling me about it he was able to say that it was obviously untrue or he wouldn’t have told me about it. This is another example of how he can manipulate and cause you to question and doubt your own judgement. Once I was able to get Shaun out of my home and thankfully out f my life, I made contact with the fantastic woman who set up this blog. Together we have pieced together a large part of what can only be described as a trail of destruction that Shaun has left in his wake across Canada, USA and now Ireland since 1998. I have since found out the Shaun has also claimed to be a doctor (going so far to as to buy scrubs and a stethoscope to wear to “work” every day), a theoretical biochemist, an actor, a country recording artist (he was off to Nashville) and a soldier but to name but a few. Shaun is not nor has he even been anything other than someone who flits from temporary job to temporary job, barely holding down a bar job. I urge you, if you are unlucky enough to have met him then kick him out now, cut off contact and notify your nearest police station. It has been shown that Shaun has a long history of stalking and harassment. He will claim he is committing suicide or he will contact you pretending to be someone else claiming he has gone missing. He has also claimed he has cancer in the past, going so far as to rip clumps of his own hair out of his head claiming it’s the effects of chemo. I can’t stress enough the damage this man has caused.


  1. Stealing cash from your handbag, wow what a man. Just when i thought the stories about this guy could not get any worse.

  2. just wait til he takes it out of your bag and you catch him and he says " I just dropped it in there and was getting it out "

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I sadly have an even worse story. Shaun stole money from a children's charity for terminally I'll kids. I am writing this story up and will get the author of this blog to post it for me. It will make you want to vomit.

  5. silly me lent him money that was for my kids christmas gifts with the promise of it being payed back was not a good christmas for my kids that year ...they went without because of that ass!!!!!

  6. When he goes so low as to steal money from a children's charity and steal Christmas presents away from kids there is something seriously wrong. Scum bag is too nice a word.

  7. I'd love to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. I'd have posted up sooner, but I was waiting for the irish police to investigate. What he does is illegal - in Ireland it's under section 6 of the fraud act.

    I can't tell you how much of a complete sociopath he is. I am determined to make sure that the next girl who has cause to question him has too much for him to talk his way out of.

  8. When he starts working again, the police will be able to track him down by monitoring his ppsn. He will be pretty easy to find.

  9. I met Shaun in April 2014 in Galway through pof. I completely fell for his lies for a couple of weeks. He told me that his fiancee and child had died in a car crash in Canada. I believed him and really felt for him imagining the awful grief that had visited him for all these years. After a while of dating though I realised that everything he was telling me was a complete pack of lies. It was almost like he was acting all of the time with me (of course I now know he was) I could tell he wasn't being genuine. He seemed constantly to be on the phone to his cousinwho he said was brought up with him like a sister. I didn't believe this at the time. My gut instinct was telling me that he was a liar. Then one day he told me that there was an issue with his bank card and that he had no money at all on him. Being a good person I loaned him the money but then one day he was doing another seriously bad acting job in my car making out he was in pain and ill. The following day while I was attending my friend's funeral he was telling me that he needed to go to A & E and that he would need 100 euro to be admitted. He was not at all concerned that my friend had died suddenly at the age of 37 all he cared about was getting money out of me.At this point I knew he was a con artist and contacted a friend of mine who is a guard. I asked her advice about how to get this pathetic excuse for a human being out of my life. I got these texts and phone calls from him with his number witheld. Texts from him went like this " How could you just shut me out like this ? I really care about, love and want us to settle down together. Even though I wasn't dating Shaun long he badly hurt me and I felt victimised. I believe he has serious mental health issues. I admire the brave women who have posted on this blog. We have to as women stand together against Shaun, hold him accountable for the emotional and psychological pain he has put us through. We must protect other women from Shaun as I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I have. I feel deeply sadened that I have had the misfortune to have been tsken advantage of by Shaun

  10. Shaun gave me the exact same spiel about his wife and daughter dying in a car crash but as Shaun was dating me in Canada, he said the car accident occured in Ireland that his wife and daughter died. He even told me their names, his wife Finola and his daughter Fiona. He told me this on our first date so of course that tugged on my heart strings and I immediately felt horrible for him.

  11. When he told me that his fiance and daughter died like you I felt horrible for him. He didn't tell me his fiance's name but he did tell me that his daughter's name was Fiona. He told me all this on our first date. This is how he manipulated me as my heart went out to him. He took advantage of my loving and caring nature. He told me that his surname was Mc Gurnaghan. I've only just discovered his real surname. I can't believe I fell for his lies.

  12. He told me his surname was Keller but that he wanted to change it to his mother's maidan name McGurnaghan because he hated his father. He also told me his mother was dying of cancer and seemed to be on her deathbed for a year. All lies. In reality his family practically disowned him becuase he kept borrowing or stealing money from them. He is a lost cause and in my opinion should be 'put down'.

  13. He is scum, no other word for it.

  14. He told me that his mother had abandoned him when he was a young boy. He went on to say that she told his grandmother that she couldn't handle him anymore. He said that his mother left him with his grandmother to be reared in Down and that she had taken his brother to Canada. I was heartbroken for him when he told me this. The thing is that when he was telling me all this heartbreaking and tragic stuff he was really staring into my eyes practically in a way looking into my soul. I now know after research online about what a sociopath is that they can remain eye contact while telling huge lies.

  15. Well everyone I'm the dead fiancée and as you can see I'm very much alive and I do not recall ever having a daughter... Don't let that fool you, he uses that to get his way... Sick is not close enough to describe him. So sorry to you all for what he put you through and I'm sorry he lied to you all about me...

  16. There are some grains of truth - he is estranged from his family but that's due to his behavior. His brother seems to be an absolute gent and is the opposite to the loser that is Shaun. He is a very very sick individual with tried and tested stories to manipulate us. He has a very nasty temper

  17. Yup, Fiona and fonula too. Mother left him and he was raised by his grandmother. Looked both my mother and i in the eye as he told the story. Took my mother aside and asked if he could marry me showing a picture of his "grandmothers" ring. We fell for it as who would lie about this stuff.

  18. he asked permission from my parents to marry me too and said the ring was in the mail.....of course the ring never came...shocker...

  19. Does anyone still use this blog please?

  20. Haha that fuck bag. I was the woman in Florida that he next had used. Only our relationship lasted just 2 months maybe less when I demanded of him to return my money, for no bank could possibly cut off all of his accounts for such a long period of time!
