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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

You cannot intimidate me

I am actually surprised that I continue to be surprised about how low this guy can go.  So contrary to his post, Shaun appears to be unhappy with this blog.  He has gone to the police to report me, the latest saying I am blackmailing him and this blog is abusive???? I  have not blackmailed him and this is blog is not abusive, it is merely the truth, but understandably unpleasant.

I see through your actions, going to the police station around the corner from where I use to live, getting them to ring my mother for my number, because, what, you forgot my number but kept my mothers (weird).  I see through it all and I laugh.

So here it is in a nutshell Shaun,  I will tell you what I told the police.  This does not intimidate me, no, it reminds me of how ruthless you are. 

If you want this blog down, take me to court! and I will counter sue. I have saved all our correspondence of abuse and promises, emails from the hospital, the letter from Temple Street.   

I have an army of supporters because you have left a pretty nice trail of destruction behind you and we have all joined together.

This blog has been viewed nearly 16,000 times in over 8 countries and 7 other people have posted.  This blog is not just me, it is your past 10 years of destruction coming back to bite you.  Bon Appetit!


  1. You go girl! Strength in numbers!

    And luckily, we have evidence!

    Shaun is apparently now working at the Spencer Hotel, here is his Linkedin Profile. Funny, no where in his profile does it mention that he is a Dr. or his supposed background in the army. Because they are all lies!

  2. Olivia

    Anyway I can message u privately?

  3. have been reading your blog seems to me you should try and move on. It's sad to see people who have nothing better to do then go on and on about there passed relationships good or bad endings. Ah sure what would I know i'm just a man...

    1. It's sad that you don't know the difference between "there" and "their", but there you go!

  4. Well I know Shaun. I've seen everything from his service number, pictures of him bullriding and lots of other things that you have claimed in your blog that he has proven that you made up.

    I was with him when he went to the gardai to make the complaint against you. He did not give anyone's number. The gaurds found that all by themselves. Just another lie you decided to make up to try and make him look bad.

    You threatened him with suing him? I hope you don't mean about this supposed money you claim he owes you. Cause the statute of limitations has run out on that.

    Not to mention anyone can see if you had anything of merit, you would have done so already.

    What a joke. You really are vindictive and must not have anything better to do in your life or you wouldn't have even started the blogs.

  5. I have absolutely nothing to do with any of this - just stumbled across this blog. But has anyone else noticed the similarities of syntax and in spelling errors between Shaun's correspondence and the 'anonymous' messages left above...?

  6. Completely agree. I don't think he is fooling anyone. Share this blog please.
