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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Is Shaun Cash, Shaun Keller?

I was walking home yesterday and around Christchurch a guy stopped me, looked like a normal well dressed guy and not a scumbag or whatever so i listened to him. (white, age 28 5’9 wore a beanie )
He said that he was visiting ireland with his GF and their stuff was robbed from the hostel they were in and they were screwed and needed a place to stay until their travel insurance kicked in tomorrow.”
The poster then goes on to describe how he decided to help the man, having been convinced by his story. He soon realized however, that something was awry.  
“He sold the story well, even offered his macbook as a deposit for trust and i even thought of helping with my place to crash but since i was going to longford this weekend I didn’t want to leave a stranger in my house with my housemates haha!
So I told him I’d help find them a hostel and food for the night, and I could probably get them a free bed from the hostel i worked at a couple years ago.
I had 60 euro on me which I offered being overly generous, since a situation similar to his happened me on a J1 in SF (my bank card was stolen and no money for a day etc).
He offered his facebook and email to get in contact with him after i returned from longford on sunday so i took out my phone and looked up the name he gave me ‘shaun cash’ couldn’t find him, so i whipped out my laptop in the middle of the street ( I don’t think he expected that) and got him to log in from his facebook to add me. He did, and when he logged in, the facebook name was different, it was Claude Van *** (name omitted for reddit rules, DM me if you want the profile). This threw up red flags straight away for me and i was pretty sure it was all bullshit. I decided to go along, and accompany him back to the hostel to meet his girlfriend who was ‘starving’ and he insisted it wasn’t necessary. I told him I have all the time in the world and I’d come back with him.”
After the man tried to get away from Gapmonkey, he insisted on his money back. The man then fled.  
Upon returning home, Gapmonkey describes opening his laptop, and finding that the man was still logged in to Facebook. He finds dozens of angry messages from people the scammer had ripped off.
Gapmonkey then takes it upon himself to message all of the scammers friends, and tell them what he was had been doing.
“I got home and decided to look at the facebook that he added me with, except he was still logged in! He forgot to log out, since I didn’t give him a chance to. I had access to his whole account. I read his messages, and he has a bunch of messages from other people that helped him on the street, asking where he was, did he need more help, asking for their money back, saying they had his backpack/laptop he gave as a deposit etc.
I messaged all these people and told him it was a scam…
….Turns out he stays in hostels, robs people’s laptops, backpacks etc, and then uses this story again and again to scam people’s good nature.”
His messages are full of people he betrayed, he even says he’s proud of conning people, and that it’s not begging which makes it okay in his fucked up head.
So I message all his friends, including the mother telling them what he’s been up to, and post a big status, update his name and details on Facebook and tag all his friends to let them know what he’s done. The status stays up for a whole day, presumably because he didn’t have access to internet running around the streets during this…
HIs friends are shocked, some not surprised, the mother even confirms how shit he’s been.
And then last night he finally managed to change his password and log me out, and delete the status, but the damage is done.
He probably won’t learn his lesson, but hopefully that will make it clear to all his friends that he’s been lying to.
Since then, I’ve discovered that he’s done this to dozens of people, there isn’t much online about this so maybe people will be more informed for the future from this post.
He’s a drummer from South Africa and uses the fake name Shaun Cash as his scammer name. The email he gives out is which doesn’t exist, and is just a variation to his real email.”  
The thread is filled with comments from other people who claim to have also encountered the man. Many said that they had given him money. Some have claimed that the man can become aggressive. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

First a doctor, then a professional bull rider, then an actor, then a country music singer now..... wait for it, a script writer. Simiply nuts!!!


I want to just make people aware that the pathetic mole of a human Shaun is on a website called celtx claiming he is a scriptwriter looking to collaborate with people on his script. he asked me to meet him luckily I asked him did he have a facebook account he didnt which I found odd so I then found this website he claims to be setting up a movie company of sorts so if I had met the snail he probs would of eventually tried to leech money off me here are some of the gmails that evil toad has sent me may add its sicking to hear these story's of this weak pathetic sad lonely manipulative "man"

Please to meet your acquaintance. How long have you been writing? Do you have a project on the go right now? Let me know and maybe we can meet for coffee and I can show you a sample of what I have started and see if you might like to co-write it with me to finish it up? ike yourself I did other things first and am script writing to create work possibly for myself and up and coming actors so they get experience.

Long term goal is to start my own film/production company.

You should never let being new to script writing give you a negative thought like you said i may not interested in co-writing with you. I learned at first by working with someone and now I do it myself.

So if you're still interested in writing let me know.


I am currently writing an action/drama. However I'm glad that you have a comedy passion as I think my script definitely needs a little more dark humour to it.

We can set up a time to meet and talk over coffee. Just let me know when and where works for you. That way I will bring a portion of the script for you to look over.

I know some people are secretive about their work but my work is already copyrighted. If you collaborate with me I just add your name to the copyright.

So I have nothing to fear about being secretive with some collaborating with me

I hope this is of help, hopefully he will be struck down by cancer the fuckers a cunt