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Monday, December 1, 2014

Shaun Keller/ Sean Keller response

Where to start. Lets start at the beginning with the creator of this blog,Where she says, I have never been in the military and have never ridden bulls in the rodeo etc etc

Secondly Louise aka Louise Galway, who has posted that i did something about some article 6 and has gone to the irish police and that they are investigating me.

So lets see, I was never in the military, that's a lie, I have my service number and have requested my services records. ALSO THAT I have never ridden bulls. Again that's a lie. I rode in the association called A.C.E.C( association des cowboys au l'est du canada.

Louise has claimed that I have committed some form of fraud and that she has gone to the Irish Police and that they are investigating me. All lies, cause I have been into the police 4 times and called them 4 times and the response is always the same. They have no history on me and are not investigating or looking for me. Care to explain Louise?

Next comment was about me being disowned by my family. You're fucking right I am, and it doesn't bother me, However it also says that I never speak to my dad. That's a lie.

Next up is 11,000 hits and growing. Shit I don't even know 11,000 people.In truth the video posted and this blog have helped me. It actually got me a part in a movie which is filming.

The most previous comment put up today is next, that I'm on tinder using the name Sean Keller. That's a joke cause I'm neither on tinder or facebook. And cause I have been seeing someone. Yes she is aware of this blog, she had questions about the military, bull riding etc like anyone would. Funny thing was, we talked about it and could you imagine what I did? Oh shit, I called the Guards yet again, on speaker phone asking if they were looking for me, and got the same response and the previous 3-4 times. " No, sorry, we have no history of you in our system, we are not investigating or looking for you" next I called my solicitor, granted I had to leave a message but again the call was made on speaker so she could hear the solicitors voice mail and the message I left. Then I must have been crazy cause surely because I am disowned by my whole family I did the unthinkable. I called my father. Yes you guessed it, on speaker and asked him if he remembered what year I went into the military, he couldn't remember the year, but remembered where he was living when I left for the military. Secondly i asked if he had any of my bull riding pictures, his response was that he didn't think so, but that he did have a picture of me in my bull riding chaps, from when I was bull riding. So funny enough the 4-5 things i have mentioned so far I have proven to be lies. I would read more of this garbage but I really don't care to anymore.

If I have done what is said, there would surely be a police investigation which there isn't, and I please ask anyone reading to call up any Guard station and find out if you can get information that there is an investigation about me.

If I had done any of these so called criminal things, there's a few questions you might want to ask....Why did these people wait so long after I was out of their lives to not do anything except write on a petty blog? They say they are so happy that i am in out of their lives? Yet writing on this keeps me in their lives indirectly, so why bother? Why not just move on?

Enjoy the reading, and laugh at it, take it seriously, do whatever will make you happy. I'm not giving this vengeful, vindictive blog anymore of my time.

Our response:
ohh there is Shaun/ Sean on Tinder... think it says it all..