If you have stumbled onto this page, it is because you are either Googling yourself, or you are seeing Shaun Keller.
If you are seeing or considering dating him, or worse, already involved.. then you have come to the right place. My story, which I bet will be similar to yours, goes as follows:Connected with Shaun at first he was like most, but as we got chatting, I was struck about how smart, attentive to detail and how successful he was. We messaged for about a month, constantly (red flag number 1) until we eventfully met. From that date, November 19th 2013, my life changed, for the worse.
I have copied in correspondence and a summary of the lies. I am NOT some bitter ex trying to get revenge. I am doing this to warn others. If in doubt contact me and lets talk. If you are googling him you already have your doubts.